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Global variables

As the fastABF module was created for use by health care providers, there are certain specific variables that do not change from one function call to the other, but which are used in the ABF computations. These are as indicated below

Constants fixed for the hospital during setup

The following are constants that can be initialised during setup and take their values from the environment.

Constant Name (in code) Description Environment variable
hosp_state_constant Hosp_State_Category HOSPITAL_STATE_INT
hosp_level3ICU_flag type bool HOSP_L3_ICU_FLAG
global_NEP type float (set by default) NEP


During initialisation please set the above environmental variables as per your requirements. They affect the price computations but do need to be changed very often.

You can set the Environment variable items named above

  • via your operating system
  • from python
  • or various other alternatives